WTB Stops Paper Authorizations – Looks to Save $304,000 Per Year


In 2013, the FCC printed and mailed out 451,072 paper antenna structure registrations and wireless licenses at a cost of nearly $304,000.  For this reason, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau of the FCC has announced that it will make changes to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) and Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system by eliminating paper copies of authorizations, unless an entity notifies the Bureau that it wants to continue to receive paper copies.  After an interim test period, the Bureau will no longer automatically print and mail out paper copies of authorizations. Licensees and registrants will be able to access official electronic authorizations through the License Manager in ULS or the ASR Dashboard.  The Bureau is considering automatically sending official electronic authorizations via e-mail when an application or ASR has been approved and seeks comment on this proposal as well as its processes for continuing to provide options for parties that want to receive official paper authorizations.  Comments are due November 10, 2014.

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