WTB Provides Construction Guidance for Protection of Endangered Species


The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau has released construction guidance for proposed facilities using FCC-licensed spectrum to comply with the latest biological opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for the American burying beetle species (ABB).  Under the FCC’s rules, applicants proposing new/modified wireless facilities that will involve ground disturbance in the ABB’s range must consider potential effects to the ABB as part of the required environmental review before commencing ground-disturbing activities.

The Bureau also released revised construction guidance for proposed facilities to comply with current Service resources for the northern long-eared bat species.  Under the revised guidance, applicants are directed to complete an automated determination key for the respective species through the Service’s Information for Planning and Consultation system and follow the Service’s process for federal actions.  The automated system will notify applicants whether they have satisfied and concluded their responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act or whether the Service requests formal consultation.

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