Wireline Bureau Begins Explaining New FCC Form 477 Filing Process


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has released a Public Notice that provides FCC Form 477 filers with additional information on the new Form 477 data collection interface.  The new interface will reflect the revisions to the Form 477 data collection program that were adopted in June 2013.  The Public Notice contains a table which shows the order in which filers will submit data, the required data’s corresponding section from the Form 477 Data Specification, and whether certain data will be submitted by file upload, by interactive data entry, or a choice of the two methods.  While the recent release of information related to the new Form 477 data collection interface is intended to prepare filers for impending changes, the revisions to FCC Form 477 have not cleared the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).  Until OMB gives its approval, filers must submit Form 477 data under the FCC’s existing rules.  The first collection of data using the revised Form 477 is expected to take place in September 2014, for data as of June 30, 2014.

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