WCB Adopts Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2022 for E-Rate Program


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (the Bureau) has adopted the eligible services list for the E-Rate program for funding year 2022.  Each year, the Bureau seeks comment on the proposed eligible services list, which includes products and services that are eligible for E-Rate funding.  This year, the Bureau has made two changes to the funding year 2021 eligible services list, clarifying specific language in the “Eligible Broadband Internal Connections” and “Eligibility Explanations for Certain Category One and Category Two Services” sections. 

Additionally, in order to give applicants ample time to submit applications for funding year 2022, the Bureau has waived its rule that the final eligible services list must be released at least 60 days before the opening of the filing window.  Thus, the Universal Service Administrative Company is authorized to open the application filing window within 60 days after the release of the Bureau’s Order.   

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