T-Mobile Petitions FCC for Clarification of RTT Order


The FCC’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau is soliciting comments on T-Mobile’s petition for clarification or, in the alternative, reconsideration of the Commission’s Real-Time Text (RTT) Order. T-Mobile seeks to clarify the obligation, adopted by the FCC in its RTT Order, for wireless carriers to deliver calls to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) using an Emergency Services Internet Protocol Network (ESINet). Specifically, T-Mobile requests clarification that the Commission did not intend to change the way carriers deliver calls to PSAPs using an ESINet. If the Commission did, in fact, intend to shift the burden of conversion of RTT to Text Telephone (TTY) from the ESINet to wireless carriers, T-Mobile alternatively requests that the Commission refrain from imposing this obligation on wireless carriers. The full text of T-Mobile’s petition is available here. Comments are due 15 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register, which has not yet occurred. Reply comments are due 10 days after the deadline for filing comments.

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