SAS Administrators for 3.5 GHz Band Conditionally Approved


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) and Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) have conditionally approved seven entities as Spectrum Access System (SAS) Administrators for the 3.5 GHz Band. When implemented, the SAS will serve as an automated frequency management system that assigns spectrum within the 3.5 GHz band to provide dynamic protection of the three tiers of users (i.e., federal incumbent, priority access, and general access users).  The conditionally approved entities, which submitted SAS proposals during a “first wave” processing round, include Amdocs, Inc.; Comsearch; CTIA—The Wireless Association; Federated Wireless; Google, Inc.; Key Bridge; and Sony Electronics, Inc.  SAS Administrators remain subject to compliance testing.  WTB and OET continue to review pending proposals for Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) operators, which will work in conjunction with the SAS.

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