Push for Delayed Net Neutrality Vote and Public Disclosure of Order Rebuffed by Chairman


Three days before the FCC’s February 26 meeting, Commissioners Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly have made a last-ditch effort to delay the FCC’s net neutrality vote and to have the Open Internet (net neutrality) Order released to the public at least 30 days before the FCC’s vote. The full Commission is set to vote on an Open Internet Order as well on a State law preemption action regarding municipal broadband. Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly have stood in opposition to the Chairman’s proposed Title II reclassification of broadband and have voiced criticism of the proposed Order, which has been circulating among the Commissioners since February 5.  Chairman Wheeler rejected the request for delay, tweeting:

FCC received more than 4 million comments on #OpenInternet during past year that helped shape proposal. It’s time to act.

The #OpenInternet’s future is at stake. We cannot afford to delay finally adopting enforceable rules to protect consumers & innovators.

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