PSHSB Seeks Comment on Filing Related to National 911 Contact Information Database


The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on a letter filed by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) Network Reliability Steering Committee (NRSC) addressing third-party efforts to develop a national Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) contact information database.  ATIS NRSC’s letter, filed on December 7, 2020, expressed support for the database but it is concerned with the costs to industry compared to current processes.  ATIS NRSC also mentioned that absent a safe harbor to shield providers from potential liability for reliance upon information provided by the database, providers will continue to use their own databases and thus participation must be voluntary until the integrity and stability of the national database is determined.  The Bureau seeks comment on this filing.  Comments are due 30 days after this Public Notice is published in the Federal Register.

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