Petition for Rulemaking to Permit MVDDS Licensees in 12.2-12.7 GHz Band to Provide Two-Way Mobile Broadband Service, including 5G


The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau of the FCC is seeking comment on a petition filed by the MVDDS 5G Coalition seeking to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to permit Multichannel Video Distribution and Data Service (MVDDS) licensees to use their 12.2-12.7 GHz spectrum to provide two-way mobile broadband service, including 5G. The Coalition includes a cross-section of MVDDS and direct broadcast satellite (DBS) licensees holding authorizations in the 12.2-12.7 GHz band. Because MVDDS providers share this band with satellite service providers, they are currently prohibited from providing two-way communications and mobile broadband services to protect incumbent DBS services from harmful interference. The rules allow for the use of the spectrum for any one-way digital fixed non-broadcast service. The Coalition states that this 500 MHz of contiguous spectrum is ideally suited for 5G services and increased sharing with existing DBS licensees, but MVDDS licensees are hamstrung in their ability to deploy 5G because of outdated and unnecessarily restrictive technical and operation limitations. The Coalition urges the FCC to modernize its rules and allow the underutilized MVDDS spectrum to be efficiently used to benefit consumers who will enjoy faster speeds, enhanced connection ubiquity, and truly real-time services and applications. Comments supporting or opposing the petition are due within 30 days, by June 8, 2016.

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