NTIA Releases Implementation Plan for National Spectrum Strategy


NTIA has released its implementation plan for the National Spectrum Strategy, as required by the Presidential Memorandum titled Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy.  The Strategy strives to expand access to advanced wireless broadband networks and technologies, boost U.S. industrial competitiveness, drive technological innovation, and maintain U.S. leadership in global markets for wireless equipment and services.

NTIA outlines in the implementation plan that it will conduct in-depth studies of the lower 3 GHz, 7.125-8.4 GHz, and the 18.1-18.6 GHz bands to be concluded with a final report submitted by October 2026.  A final report studying the 37 GHz band is estimated to be completed by November 2024. The implementation plan also outlines other important objectives of the Strategy by providing a descriptive timeline on how such objectives will be achieved.

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