National Lifeline Verifier to Launch in Four More States


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has announced the soft launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier (National Verifier) in Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee starting December 4, 2018. These four states join the five states and Guam, which were added in October as part of the staggered National Verifier rollout.  The National Verifier online portal was established by the FCC in 2016 to make eligibility determinations and perform other Lifeline program functions. The soft launch period allows carriers to become accustomed to the portal and test it against their systems and processes before an eventual full launch.  Following a full launch, which has already been done in six states, all Lifeline eligibility determinations and re-certifications in the state must be done through the National Verifier.

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