Micronesian Tel and Hawaiian Telcom Accept CAF II Support


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has authorized Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation (MTC) and Hawaiian Telcom Inc. to receive Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase II model-based support. MTC accepted its entire offer of annual CAF II support – $2.6 million – to provide voice and broadband services to over 11,000 locations in the Northern Mariana Islands. Hawaiian Telcom accepted its entire offer of annual CAF II support – $4.4 million – to provide voice and broadband services to over 11,000 locations in the state of Hawaii. To date, three other carriers – Frontier ($283 million), Windstream ($174 million), and FairPoint ($37 million) – have notified the FCC of their decisions to accept or deny CAF Phase II support. The remaining five price cap carriers that have been offered CAF II support must notify the FCC of their decisions on or before August 27, 2015.

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