Letter of Credit Waiver Granted in Tribal Mobility Phase I


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) has granted a waiver of the FCC’s letter of credit (LOC) requirement in Tribal Mobility Fund Phase I that will allow Alaska carrier Copper Valley Wireless, LLC (CVW) to submit one irrevocable stand-by LOC covering all 11 of CVW’s winning bid areas instead of one LOC per area.  The LOC will correspond to the entire group of CVW’s winning bid areas because the supported network upgrade is being performed on a single tower that provides coverage to all of these areas.  The Bureau determined, among other things, that CVW’s project at the one tower site would serve the entire supported Tribal population in all 11 winning bid areas and that any performance default with respect to one area would likely result in a performance default in all of CVW’s supported areas.   This LOC waiver is consistent with another waiver granted last year to Alaska carrier GCI Communication Corp. in Mobility Fund Phase I.

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