July 1 Certification Requirement Temporarily Waived for Legacy-Only ETCs


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau), on its own motion, has granted a temporary, limited waiver of the July 1, 2020 certification requirement for certain price cap and competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (CETCs) receiving legacy high-cost support. In 2019, the FCC adopted a phase-out schedule for legacy high-cost support received by certain price cap carriers and fixed CETCs. Such recipients must make annual certifications to USAC but are not subject to any other Section 54.313 annual reporting requirements. The Bureau has learned that USAC’s E-file system does not yet have the capability to collection just certifications for these carriers, and the Bureau will announce a new deadline when USAC’s system has been appropriately modified. Carriers receiving all other types of high-cost support must file Form 481 by the July 1 deadline.

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