Illegal Robocalls, Rural Call Completion Headline July Open Meeting Agenda


The FCC has announced the tentative agenda for its next Open Meeting, scheduled for July 13, 2017.  Continuing Chairman Pai’s pilot program, the Commission is publicly releasing the draft text of all items expected to be considered at the July Open Meeting, along with one-page cover sheets summarizing each item.  All of these materials will be available here.

The tentative Open Meeting agenda contains the following eight items:

Call Authentication Trust Anchor: The Commission will consider a Notice of Inquiry that seeks comment on methods to authenticate telephone calls to further secure telephone networks against illegal robocallers. The Notice seeks comment on implementing authentication standards for telephone calls, as well as the Commission’s role in this process and other public policy considerations.

Advanced Methods to Target and Eliminate Unlawful Robocalls: The Commission will consider a Notice of Inquiry that explores methods by which reassigned telephone number data could be made available to callers to avoid making unwanted calls to consumers.

Protecting Consumers from Unauthorized Carrier Changes and Related Unauthorized Charges: The Commission will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking outlining steps to further curtail slamming and cramming.

Rural Call Completion: The Commission will consider a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes rule changes to better address ongoing problems in the completion of long-distance telephone calls to rural areas. The Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposes to (1) adopt new rural call completion requirements for covered providers, and (2) eliminate the Commission’s existing rural call completion recording, retention, and reporting rules.

Video Description: The Commission will consider a Report and Order which increases the required hours of video described programming that covered broadcast stations and MVPDs must provide to consumers.

Updating the Part 2 Equipment Authorization Program: The Commission will consider a First Report and Order that would update and amend its equipment authorization program by replacing two certification procedures with a new Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity process, codifying procedures for the electronic labeling of devices, modernizing the requirements related to the importation of electronic equipment, and incorporating up-to-date methods for equipment compliance measurements into the rules.

Radar Services in the 76-81 GHz Band: The Commission will consider a Report and Order that would address use of the 76-81 GHz band under the Part 95 rules to support a broad range of vehicular radar uses, such as collision avoidance and adaptive cruise control systems, as well as to expand the types of fixed and mobile radar operations permitted within airport environments.

Wireless Microphone Operations: The Commission will consider an Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would address licensed and unlicensed wireless microphone operations in the TV bands and various other frequency bands.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 10:30 am, and will be streamed live at

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