HAC on Agenda for August 4 FCC Open Meeting Agenda


The FCC has released the agenda for its August open meeting, scheduled for Thursday, August 4, 2016.  The agenda contains the following items:

  • Relay Services for Deaf-Blind Individuals: The Commission will consider a Report and Order (GC Docket No. 10-210) that would convert the National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program from a pilot program to a permanent program.
  • HAC-Compatible Mobile Handsets: The Commission will consider a Report and Order (WT Docket No. 15-285) that would implement changes to the scope of the wireless hearing aid compatibility rules.
  • Inmate Calling Services: The Commission will consider an Order on Reconsideration (WC Docket No. 12-375), responding to a petition filed by Michael S. Hamden, that would ensure that the rates for Inmate Calling Services (ICS) are just, reasonable, and fair and explicitly account for facilities’ ICS-related costs.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 10:30 am in Room TW-C305 of the FCC building at 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, DC., and will be shown online at www.fcc.gov/live.

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