FCC Sets 2017 ILEC Tariff Review Plans


The Pricing Policy Division of the FCC’s Wireline Bureau has released an order establishing the Tariff Review Plans (TRPs) used by all incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) to support interstate access service tariff revisions filed in 2017.  These TRPs reflect implementation of the transitional rate changes and recovery rules adopted in the pivotal USF/ICC Transformation Order in 2011  as well as implementation of the universal service reforms adopted in 2016 with the release of the Rate-of-Return Reform Order.  Two separate FCC rules govern how TRPs are applied to carriers:  section 61.38 covers rate-of-return carriers using project costs and demand data while section 61.39 covers those carriers using historical costs and demand data, carriers receiving universal service support based on model support, and carriers receiving cost-based support.  The order contains 2017’s TRP forms, which are slightly modified from last year’s forms.

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