FCC Seeks Comment on Petitions to Use E-Rate Program Funding for Remote Learning


The Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) has issued a Public Notice seeking comment on allowing E-Rate funding to be used to support remote learning.  The E-Rate program provides universal service fund discounts to support broadband connectivity in schools and libraries, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools have offered students the option to learn remotely or have completely shifted the student body to online school.  The Commission has received at least 11 petitions requesting to use funding to support students and staff learning and working from home.  In addition to allowing emergency relief to the petitioners, the Commission also seeks comment on details such as the costs and equipment needed for at-home learning and on the timeframe for this relief.  The Public Notice also mentions the possibility of more funding becoming available through the E-Rate program and requests comment on how to specifically target funds to students that are difficult reach.  Comments are due February 16 and reply comments are due February 23.

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