FCC Releases Wireless Microphone Reconsideration and Further Notice


At its July Open Meeting, the FCC adopted an Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding wireless microphones.

In the Order on Reconsideration, the Commission addressed petitions for reconsideration of two 2015 Commission orders.  The  Order revises and clarifies certain technical and operational rules (e.g., spurious emissions, measurement of emission limits, coordination, access to spectrum in certain bands) that promote spectrum access.

The Further Notice proposes permitting professional theater, music, performing arts, and similar organizations to obtain licensed access to operate wireless microphones at smaller venues, provided certain requirements (e.g., demonstrated need and requisite professional abilities) are met. Comments on the issues raised in the Further Notice are due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, which has not yet occurred.

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