FCC Releases Mobility Fund Phase II Recon Order


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released the Mobility Fund Phase II (MF-II) Second Order on Reconsideration that it adopted last week. The Order:

  • Grants requests for clarification that the collocation requirement for MF-II applies to all newly constructed towers;
  • Grants in part and denies in part requests regarding MF-II recipients’ obligation to obtain and maintain a letter of credit (LOC) by modifying LOC requirements to be consistent with those for recipients of Connect America Fund Phase II support (the fixed broadband counterpart to this mobile broadband program);
  • Denies requests to modify the MF-II budget and disbursement schedule;
  • Denies requests to modify performance metrics, bidding credits, and the treatment of equipment exclusivity agreements; and
  • Denies requests to limit the Universal Service Administrative Corporation’s role in testing MF-II recipients’ compliance with performance metrics, public interest obligations, or other program requirements.
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