FCC Proposes to Require that Video Conferencing Services Integrate Accessibility Support


FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel has circulated proposals to her fellow Commissioners that would require video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Webex, to comply with the FCC’s accessibility requirements and the FCC’s rules governing interoperable video conferencing services.  The circulated proposals include a Report and Order, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and an Order.

The Report and Order would ensure that the FCC’s accessibility rules, and other FCC rules, apply to all equipment and services meeting the definition of “interoperable video conferencing service.”  The NPRM would propose to add specific performance objectives for enhancing accessibility of video conferencing services and the Order would waive the rule, for one year, that restricts video relay service providers from the ability to turn off their video cameras when not actively participating in a video conference.

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