FCC Proposes Modifications to E911 Regulations


The Commission has adopted a Sixth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing changes to its wireless E911 location accuracy rules in an effort to reduce emergency response times.  Among various proposals, the FCC seeks comment on its proposal to require wireless providers to deliver z-axis information to 911 call centers measured in Height Above Ground Level, which may be more actionable for first responders than the current standard of Height Above Ellipsoid. 

The Commission also proposes to provide non-nationwide commercial mobile radio service providers expanded access to test bed data and results upon request to allow for public safety challenges of test bed validations.  The FCC also seeks comment on improving horizontal location accuracy for wireless 911 calls and texts and whether to eliminate certain legacy 911 rules.

Comments are due 30 days from Federal Register publication, which has not yet occurred, and reply comments are due 60 days from Federal Register publication.

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