FCC Proposes Changes to Form 499 Worksheets and Instructions


The FCC has issued a Public Notice seeking comment on proposed revisions to Form 499 worksheets and instructions.  Specifically, the FCC proposes revisions to the: (1) Form 499-A annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet and accompanying instructions; and (2) Form 499-Q quarterly Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet and accompanying instructions.

The FCC proposes revisions to Form 499-A, such as clarifying that carriers holding an  international section 214 authorization must designate a Washington, D.C.-based agent for service of process.  For Form 499-Q, the FCC proposes to update the instructions by noting that the circularity factor will be adjusted and updated based on the quarterly contribution factors subsequent to the fourth quarter 2023 contribution factor announcement, among other revisions.

Comments on the FCC’s proposed revisions must be filed by July 10, 2023.

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