FCC Improves Wireless Emergency Alerts: Better Geo-Targeting


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted new Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) rules designed to improve the geo-targeting capabilities of the critical warning system.  The new rules will require that participating wireless providers deliver WEA alerts in a more geographically precise manner so that the alerts reach the communities impacted by an emergency without disturbing others. Specifically, the Commission will now require that carriers deliver WEA alerts to the target area specified by the alert originator with no more than a one-tenth of a mile overshoot.  The new rules will take effect on November 30, 2019.  The Commission has also adopted new rules that:  (1) require that new WEA alert messages remain available in a consumer-accessible format on wireless devices for 24 hours after receipt, or until the consumer chooses to delete the message; and (2) harmonize the deadline for participating wireless providers to support Spanish-language messages with the deadline to extend the length of alert messages from 90 to 360 characters.  These later enhancements will take effect on May 1, 2019.

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