FCC Grants SpaceX Aggregate OOBE PFD SCS Waiver Request


The FCC’s Space Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau have conditionally granted Space Exploration Technologies Corp.’s (SpaceX) request for waiver of section 25.202(k)(1) of the FCC’s rules, permitting aggregate out-of-band emissions (OOBE) in the U.S. at a power flux-density (PFD) level up to -110.6 dBW/m²/MHz.  The FCC found good cause to grant SpaceX’s waiver request, subject to certain conditions, including requiring SpaceX to address any harmful interference to adjacent band terrestrial wireless networks or else cease operations under the waiver.  The waiver is limited to the 5 MHz band segments immediately adjacent to the downlinks for SpaceX’s proposed SCS service (i.e., the waiver applies to 1985-1990 MHz and 1995-2000 MHz).  In all other bands, SpaceX must comply with section 25.202(k)(1) of the FCC’s rules.   

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