FCC Expands Robocall Blocking Rules


To ensure greater robocall protections for consumers, the FCC has expanded robocall blocking rules by extending several call blocking requirements to include voice service providers that are not currently covered by the Commission’s rules.  Specifically, the new rules: (1) expand the one-day traceback requirement to cover all voice service providers; (2) require providers that originate illegal robocall traffic to block such traffic when notified by the Commission; and (3) require voice service providers to take reasonable and effective measures to ensure that immediate upstream providers from which they accept call traffic are not using them to process or carry a high volume of illegal traffic.

The Commission is also seeking comment on anti-robocall tools and strategies, including: (1) requiring providers to adopt analytics-based blocking; (2) requiring providers to block based on do-not-originate lists; (3) requiring the display of caller name information in certain cases; and (4) increasing forfeitures for voice service providers that fail to comply with the FCC’s rules.  The FCC has also issued a Notice of Inquiry that requests information on the mechanisms voice service providers use to combat illegal calls. 

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