FCC Converts LMDS and 39 GHz Licenses to New Geographic Areas in ULS


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) has announced that incumbent licenses/leases in the 28 GHz band (27.5 – 28.35 GHz) have been converted to the Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS) in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). In addition, incumbent licenses/leases in the 39 GHz band (38.6 – 40.0 GHz) have also been converted in ULS to the geographic areas defined for UMFUS in that band. The Bureau has taken this action pursuant to the Spectrum Frontiers proceeding where the FCC determined that UMFUS in the 28 GHz band would be licensed on a county basis, and that existing LMDS licenses in that band would be subdivided from Basic Trading Areas (BTAs) into counties. The FCC also determined that UMFUS licenses in the 39 GHz band would be licensed on a Partial Economic Areas (PEAs) basis and that existing 39 GHz licenses would be subdivided from Economic Areas (EAs) into PEAs. The FCC also granted mobile operating rights to existing active LMDS and 39 GHz incumbent licensees, which should now be reflected in the new authorizations.

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