FCC Considers LPTV and TV Translator Issues


The Federal Communications Commission has released a Third Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in which it seeks comment on a number of issues involving low power television (LPTV) and TV translator stations.  The Commission is considering various measures discussed in the Incentive Auction Report and Order, other measures to ensure the successful completion of the LPTV and TV translator digital transition, and other related matters.  The FCC has tentatively concluded that it should: (1) extend the September 1, 2015 digital transition deadline for LPTV and TV translator stations; (2) adopt rules to allow channel sharing by and between LPTV and TV translator stations; and (3) create a “digital-to-digital replacement translator” service for full power stations that experience losses in their pre-Incentive Auction service areas.  Comments are due 30 days after Federal Register publication of the Third NPRM and replies are due 15 days later.

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