FCC Changes Membership Composition of Intergovernmental Advisory Committee


The FCC has adopted an order revising the Commission’s rules that govern the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC), formerly known as the Local and State Governmental Advisory Committee up until 1997.  IAC is tasked with advising the Commission on a range of telecommunications issues affecting local, county, state, and Tribal interests.  Specifically, it has provided the Commission ongoing advice and information on telecommunications issues in which state, local, county, and Tribal governments share “intergovernmental responsibilities and administration” with the Commission, including cable and local franchising, public rights-of-way, facilities siting, universal service, barriers to competitive entry, and public safety communications.  The most significant change to IAC’s governing rules is an increase in the committee’s membership, from 15 to 30 representatives.  Also changing is the proportion of representative slots to stakeholders amongst the 30 slots.  Going forward, at least four representatives shall be elected municipal officials, at least three representatives shall be Native American Tribal members, at least two representatives shall be elected county officials, and there shall be at least one representative from each of the following job positions:  local government attorney, elected state executive, elected state legislator, and public utilities or public service commission agency.

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