FCC Approves Universal Service Support Order


At its December 12th Open Meeting, the Federal Communications Commission adopted an order that will provide additional universal service support to promote the deployment of more robust broadband-capable networks in rural America. In return for additional funding, the FCC will require providers to expand availability of service offering downloads of at least 25/3 Mbps service, compared to the current 10/1 Mbps standard. Updates include:

  • Offering up to $67 million a year in additional support for carriers receiving funding through the Connect America Fund’s Alternative Connect America Cost Model, or ACAM. This revised offer has the potential to increase by 100,000 the number of rural homes and businesses with access to 25/3 Mbps service.
  • Opening a new window for carriers receiving support through legacy mechanisms to voluntarily move to model-based support through the A-CAM II offer, which incentivizes deployment while reducing regulatory burdens. In return, these carriers would be required to provide 25/3 Mbps service to all homes and businesses whose costs are fully funded through the A-CAM cost model.
  • Increasing the $1.4 billion annual budget for carriers that continue to get support from legacy mechanisms by initiating an annual inflation adjustment, eliminating 2018 cuts mandated by budgetary rules established under the prior Administration, and setting a
    guaranteed floor of minimum support for each carrier. In return, legacy providers would be required to expand deployment of 25/3 Mbps service.
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