FCC Announces Working Groups for CSRIC VII


In a Public Notice, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) announced the topics and chairs for six working groups that will assist the Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) VII, an advisory committee created under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The six working groups’ topics are: (1) Alert Originator Standard Operating Procedures; (2) Managing Security Risk in the Transition to 5G; (3) Managing Security Risk in Emerging 5G Implementation; (4) 911 Security Vulnerabilities During the IP Transition; (5) Improving Broadcast Resiliency; and (6) SIP Security Vulnerabilities. Descriptions of each working group’s tasks are available on the CSRIC webpage.

The Commission, additionally, seeks applications for membership for each of the six working groups. Applicants will be selected to ensure that the working groups represent a wide array of interests and have the requisite technical expertise. The Commission may also appoint Special Government Employees (SGEs), officers or employees of the executive or legislative branches, for a short period of time for their individual expertise.

Any interested applicants for working group membership must submit their application to the FCC no later than Monday, August 5, 2019.

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