FCC Announces Termination of Certain Proceedings as Dormant


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released an Order terminating certain proceedings as dormant. The Chief of the FCC’s Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) has the authority to conduct a periodic review of all open dockets and terminate those that have been inactive (i.e. dockets in which no further action is required or contemplated and dockets in which no pleadings or other documents have been filed for several years). On September 12, 2018, the CGB released a Public Notice seeking comments and reply comments regarding the termination of 382 inactive proceedings.  Because no responses were filed, the CGB has terminated the list of all proceedings identified. A complete list of proceedings that were terminated is available here.

As of March 13, the proceedings listed will be terminated in the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). The record in the terminated proceedings will remain part of the FCC’s official records and all pleadings, orders, and other documents will continue to be accessible by the public.


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