FCC Announces Staff for Office of International Affairs and Space Bureau


    The FCC has announced the staff for its new Space Bureau and Office of International Affairs while also making other staffing changes.  Julie Kearney will serve as Chief of the Space Bureau; Ethan Lucarelli will serve as Chief of the Office of International Affairs; Ronald Repasi will serve as Chief of the Office of Engineering and Technology; and Joel Taubenblatt will serve as Chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.  The International Bureau now ceases to exist and is replaced by the Space Bureau and Office of International Affairs.

    Julie Kearney recently joined the FCC as Senior Counsel and previously worked in the private sector for numerous communications companies including: Twilio, Loon (Alphabet), National Public Radio, MCI, and the Consumer Technology Association.  Ethan Lucarelli has most recently served as Legal Advisor to Chairwoman Rosenworcel on wireless and international policy issues.  Previous to his FCC roles, Lucarelli worked for Inmarsat and Wiley Rein LLP.

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