FCC Announces June 29, 2023, as the Date for Mandatory Electronic Filing of CALEA System Security and Integrity Plans


The FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (Bureau) has announced June 29, 2023, as the effective date of amended Rule Section 1.200005, requiring the mandatory electronic filing of new and updated System Security and Integrity (SSI) plans by entities subject to the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA). On May 15, 2023, the Bureau adopted an Order amending Rule Section 1.20005 to require the mandatory electronic filing of new and updated SSI plans. As the Order became effective 30 days following the May 30, 2023, publication in the Federal Register, the Bureau has issued a Public Notice announcing June 29, 2023 as the date for requiring the electronic filing of SSI Plans in the CALEA Electronic Filing System (CEFS), which is available at: https://www.fcc.gov/​cefs. Paper filings will no longer be accepted.

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