FCC Announces Due Date for IVCS Accessibility Filings


The FCC has announced October 3, 2024, as the initial due date for manufacturers and providers of interoperable video conferencing services (IVCS) and equipment to file accessibility contact information and certifications of compliance.  The FCC recently determined that the Communications Act and Part 14 of the FCC rules apply to IVCS providers.  As such, IVCS providers must ensure their services and equipment are accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.  Additionally, IVCS providers must maintain records of their efforts to implement accessibility measures, and annually file a certificate of compliance with the recordkeeping rules.

Because of the new application of the rule to IVCS providers, the due date to comply with accessibility requirements was deferred until September 1, and the due date for filing a recordkeeping compliance certificate has now been scheduled for October 3. Covered manufacturers and providers must file online in the Recordkeeping Compliance Certification and Contact Information Registry.  In the future, the due date for all covered providers to submit recordkeeping compliance filings will be April 1.

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