FCC Adopts Enhanced A-CAM Program


The FCC has adopted a Report and Order establishing the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) program, which will provide carriers currently receiving A-CAM support and legacy rate-of-return support recipients the opportunity to receive extended offers of support to deploy broadband at speeds of at least 100/20 Mbps.  Carriers who voluntarily elect to receive this Enhanced A-CAM support would be required to provide 100/20 Mbps across all eligible service areas by the end of 2028.  In return, these carriers would receive offers of support over a 15-year term beginning on January 1, 2024.  Elections for this program must be made no later than October 1, 2023.

The Commission also adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on how to address the immediate needs of legacy rate-of-return support recipients and how to balance this program with other available broadband funding programs.  A Notice of Inquiry was also adopted which seeks comment on the long-term outlook of universal service and how the FCC should explore methods to modify the USF high-cost program.

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