Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) Order Issued for CAF-II Location Adjustments


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has issued an Order establishing a Connect America Fund Phase II (CAF-II) voluntary location adjustment process dubbed Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) to facilitate review of CAF-II recipients’ deployment obligations and associated support on a state-by-state basis in situations where there are fewer actual locations in eligible areas than anticipated funded locations. The ELAP process will involve a new, one-time collection of information from CAF-II recipients that seek to participate in ELAP.  This collection will include information on all eligible locations within the state along with evidence and certifications substantiating the completeness and accuracy of this data. The Bureau will issue an initial prima facie determination within 60 days along with a public ELAP map of presumptively eligible locations, which will be followed by a 90-day stakeholder challenge process and a 30-day reply window. Adjudication and support adjustments will be made on a rolling basis and subject to verification. The Bureau will follow up with more detailed ELAP information on evidentiary standards, location data, format, and confidentiality, among other things.

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