Comments on Hearing Aid Compatibility Rules Due January 22


In November 2014, the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau issued a Public Notice soliciting updated information regarding the effectiveness of the FCC’s hearing aid compatibility (HAC) rules for wireless handsets in light of recent developments in the mobile wireless marketplace. The Bureaus primarily requested information on two questions: (1) Should the FCC revise the hearing aid compatibility requirement to apply in a technologically neutral way to all mobile wireless devices that can be used for voice communications; and (2) Should the FCC consider moving away from the fractional compliance regime that exists today and implement a requirement that all mobile wireless devices must comply with the hearing aid compatibility rules. The Public Notice has been published in the Federal Register, setting the comment cycle. Comments must be filed no later than January 22, 2015, and reply comments must be filed no later than February 6, 2015.

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