Comment Sought For STELA Reauthorization Report


The FCC’s Media Bureau has requested data and comment in connection with the preparation of a report to Congress required by the STELA Reauthorization Act of 2014 (STELAR). STELAR requires the Commission to submit a report on designated market areas (DMAs) that are used to define television markets and make recommendations on how to foster increased localism in counties served by out-of-state DMAs. The Commission is asked to report on whether there exist any technologically and economically feasible alternatives that would provide consumers with more programming options than the use of DMAs to define television markets and that would increase localism. The Commission believes that its analysis should be performed on a county-by-county basis and indicates that it has access to comprehensive data for analysis of DBS carriage and off-air television reception of out of market stations. The Commission seeks comment on whether adequate data exists for cable television and telephone MVPD carriage of out-of-market broadcast stations and, if so, what methodology could be used to analyze the available data. Comments on the issues raised in the Commission’s public notice are due on or before May 12, 2015 and reply comments are due on or before June 11, 2015.

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