Chairwoman Rosenworcel Announces CSRIC Members


The FCC has announced the appointment of members to the ninth Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC IX).  CSIRC IX’s charter will run for a period of two years, with the first meeting being held on June 28, 2024.  CSRIC IX will specifically focus on how artificial intelligence and machine learning can improve the security, reliability, and integrity of communications networks in a nondiscriminatory, transparent, and socially responsible manner.  CSRIC IX will develop recommendations on certain issues involving the security and reliability risks unique to emerging 6G networks and ensuring consumer access to 911 as technology evolves.  CSRIC IX’s co-chairs will be Billy Bob Brown Jr. of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Todd Piett of Motorola. 

The Commission is now seeking nominations to serve on three CSRIC IX working groups: (1) Harnessing Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to Ensure the Security, Reliability, and Integrity of the Nation’s Communications Networks; (2) Ensuring Consumer Access to 911 on All Available Networks as Technology Evolves; and (3) Preparing for 6G Security and Reliability. 

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