Chairman Pai Announces Staff Appointments


Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai today announced staff appointments to the Office of the Chairman. They include:

  • Matthew Berry, Chief of Staff.
  • Nicholas Degani, Senior Counsel.
  • Jay Schwarz, Acting Wireline Advisor.
  • Rachael Bender, Acting Wireless Advisor.
  • Zenji Nakazawa, Acting Public Safety and Consumer Protection Advisor.
  • Lori Alexiou, Confidential Assistant.
  • Kim Mattos, Acting Executive Assistant. Ms. Mattos will assist Mr. Berry and Mr. Degani.
  • Deanne Erwin, Executive Assistant. Ms. Erwin will assist Dr. Schwarz, Ms. Nemeth, Ms. Bender, and
    Mr. Nakazawa.

The Chairman’s office also announced the appointment of Brendan Carr as the Commission’s Acting General Counsel.

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