CenturyLink Seeking Waiver of Rural Call Completion Rules


CenturyLink has filed a petition for waiver of the recordkeeping, retention, and reporting requirements adopted in the FCC’s Rural Call Completion Order.  Comments on CenturyLink’s petition are due on or before August 11, 2014.  Reply comments are due August 18, 2014.  In its petition, CenturyLink requests a limited waiver of the call attempt recording, retention and reporting requirements of the FCC’s rules solely for (1) calls that use Multi-Frequency (MF) signaling and (2) intraLATA toll calls handed directly from the originating provider to the terminating provider.  According to CenturyLink, both requests involve a very limited portion of its traffic and generating the information required by the FCC’s rural call completion rules would impose “significant, unnecessary expense on the part of CenturyLink and terminating providers in order to overcome those technical limitations.”

For additional information, please contact Tony Veach.

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