ACA Seeks Waiver of Accessible User Interface Requirements
The American Cable Association (ACA) has petitioned the FCC’s Media Bureau for waiver of Section 79.108 of the Commission’s rules for limited classes of...
FCC Extends C-Band Registrations to October 17, Freezes Space Station Applications
In two public notices, the FCC's International Bureau (1) extended by 90 days the filing window for C-band downlink operators to register their stations...
Leased Access Rules Get Fresh Start as FCC Proposes Abandoning 2008 Order
At its June Open Meeting, the FCC adopted a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) seeking to update its leased access rules, which require...
FCC Seeks Comment on Petition for Waiver of Accessible Emergency Information
The FCC's Media Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on the American Cable Association’s (ACA) Petition seeking a permanent waiver of the FCC’s rules requiring analog-only cable...
DIRS Deactivated for Hurricane Irma, Likely to Reactive for Hurricane Maria
The FCC’s Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS) has been deactivated at the request of the FEMA for areas affected by Hurricane Irma, which included...
Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System Scheduled for September 27, 2017
The FCC's Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (Bureau) has provided notice to all Emergency Alert System (EAS) Participants that the Federal Emergency Management...
Illegal Robocalls, Rural Call Completion Headline July Open Meeting Agenda
The FCC has announced the tentative agenda for its next Open Meeting, scheduled for July 13, 2017. Continuing Chairman Pai’s pilot program, the Commission...
FCC Finally Adds Mobility II, CAF II, and Broadband Reporting to Meeting Agenda
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has tentatively set an ambitious agenda for the February 23, 2017 Open Commission Meeting, including the Mobility Fund Phase II...
Stage 2 of Incentive Auction Ends after Single Round; Stage 3 Details Forthcoming
After only one round of forward auction bidding, the FCC has closed Stage 2 of the Broadcast Incentive Auction and soon will open the...
Accessible User Interface Rules Take Effect
Certain of the FCC's accessible user interface rules adopted in November 2015 have now been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)...