Comment Sought on Extending CAF-II/RBE Letter of Credit Waiver

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) is seeking comment on whether to extend a limited waiver that was granted last year to...

List of Phased Down Legacy Support Carriers Updated

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has updated its list of fixed competitive eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) whose legacy support began phase down starting...

FCC, USDA, NTIA Agree to Share Broadband Funds Distribution Information

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) have signed an Interagency...

Proposed USF Contribution Factor to Remain above 30%

The FCC’s Office of Managing Director (OMB) is proposing to revert the universal service fund (USF) contribution factor back down to 0.318...

Buildout Waivers Granted for Model CAF-II Recipients

The FCC has granted waivers of interim and final buildout obligations to two price cap carriers—Hawaiian Telecom, Inc. (HT) and TDS Telecom...

Federal Court Rejects Hurricanes Irma and Maria Funding Appeal

The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has rejected claims by Tri-County Telephone Association (Tri-County), that the...

FCC Commissioner Carr Urges Big Tech to Pay Fair Share

In a Newsweek op-ed, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr has outlined a new approach to fund the Universal Service Fund.  Carr’s op-ed cited...

FCC Adopts Order Relieving Certain Mixed Support Companies from Merger Condition Cap

The FCC has adopted an Order on Reconsideration relieving certain mixed support merging companies from a merger condition cap intended to prevent...

FCC WCB Announces Supply Chain Reimbursement Program Fund Administrator

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) announced Ernst & Young LLP as the chosen administrator of the $1.9 billion Secure and Trusted...

FCC Publishes Agenda for Supply Chain Workshop

The FCC has published the agenda for its virtual supply chain workshop, to be held in coordination with the Office of the...
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