FCC Proposes Modifications to Supply Chain Reimbursement Rules
The FCC has voted to adopt a Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that seeks comment on proposals to modify the Secure...
FCC Announces 911 Strike Force and Seeks Nominations
The FCC has announced the establishment of a federal advisory committee to examine how the Federal Government can best end diversion of...
FCC Proposes Rules to Combat 911 Fee Diversion
The FCC has adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) implementing the Don't Break Up the T-Band Act of 2020, requiring the...
Agenda for February 17 FCC Open Meeting
The Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) published the tentative agenda for its February 2021 Open Meeting. The meeting schedule for Wednesday,...
Simington Appointments Advisors, Confidential Assistant, and Staff Assistant
Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) Commissioner Nathan Simington has appointed several advisors to his staff including Carolyn Roddy, Erin Boone, and...
Rosenworcel Announces Staff Appointments
Acting Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) Chair Jessica Rosenworcel has announced a slew of new appointments. P. Michele Ellison has been...
Biden Names Commissioner Rosenworcel as Interim FCC Chairwoman
President Biden has named current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel as interim Chairwoman of the FCC. President Biden is expected...
FCC Denies NTIA Petition to Stay Ligado Order and Authorization
The Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) has denied the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) request to stay the Ligado Order...
Biden Creates New White House Cyber Position
President-elect Joe Biden has announced that he will be adding a new position to the White House National Security Council (NSC). The...
FCC Seeks Comment on Establishment of Oversight Role Over STIR/SHAKEN Governance Authority
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission), in a Public Notice, has proposed to establish an oversight role for the Commission over...