Comment Deadlines Established for Vacant Channel Rulemaking

The FCC has announced comment and reply deadlines for its vacant channels rulemaking.  Comments are due on or before August 3, 2015 and reply...

FCC Open to Providing Net Neutrality Advisory Opinions

The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau (Bureau) is spreading the word that any entity that is subject to the FCC’s net neutrality rules (i.e., no blocking,...

DC Circuit Sets Briefing Schedule for Net Neutrality Appeal

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (DC Circuit) has set the fast-track schedule for the appeal of the FCC’s...

OET Releases Final Version of TVStudy Software

The Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) has released the final version of the TVStudy software (version 1.3.2) to be used in the...

Commissioner Pai Proposes USF Reforms for Rate-of-Return Carriers

Senior Republican FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai has proposed a number of changes to the FCC’s rules that govern the way universal service fund (USF)...

FCC July Open Meeting Agenda to be Incentive Auction Heavy

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has released the tentative agenda for its July open meeting, scheduled for July 16, 2015. It contains...
Tower, Wireless, Cellular

Bureau Releases Rural Census Tracts and Anticipates Future Action in 3.5 GHz Proceeding

On April 17, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission Adopted a Report and Order and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (collectively, 3.5 GHz Order)...

Bureau Releases List of CAF Phase II Extremely High-Cost Census Blocks

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has released a list of census blocks in areas served by price cap incumbent local exchange carriers that have...

FCC Clarifies, Seeks Comment on Small Business Exemption to Enhanced Transparency Rule

The FCC’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB) has issued a public notice initiating a comment cycle regarding the enhanced transparency requirements that were...

NTIA Releases Technical Report on 3.5 GHz Band Sharing

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has released a technical report developed by engineers in NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management (OSM) and Institute for...
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