WCB Releases Guidance for Enhanced A-CAM Recipients Regarding Locations and Broadband Coverage

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has issued a Public Notice to provide guidance to Enhanced A-CAM recipients regarding outstanding location and broadband...

FCC Adopts Rules to Require DIRS Reporting for Certain Providers

The FCC has adopted a Report and Order, which requires certain providers to report on their operational status during disasters in order...

FCC Seeks Comment on BDC Challenge Process

The FCC’s Broadband Data Task Force, in coordination with other FCC Bureaus, has issued a Public Notice seeking comment on its Broadband...

ACP to End Barring Congressional Action

Barring further Congressional appropriations, the FCC anticipates that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) funding will last through April 2024, running out completely...

NTIA Releases Policy Notice Discussing Applicability of Uniform Guidance to BEAD Program

NTIA has released a Policy Notice with further guidance and clarifications for BEAD Program implementation.  Of note, BEAD recipients may retain program...

FCC Revises Reasonable Comparability Benchmarks; Extends Compliance Deadline

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics have announced revised 2024 reasonable comparability benchmarks for fixed broadband services...

RDOF Application Review Completed

Over three years after conducting the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) reverse auction (Auction 904), the Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of...

RUS Lowers Speed Threshold for Community Connect Grant Program’s Eligible Service Areas

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service has revised its eligible service area definition for the Community Connect Grant Program for...

E-ACAM Carriers Must Implement Operational Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management Plans by January...

The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) of the FCC has denied NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association’s (NTCA) waiver request seeking an extension until July...

RDOF Defaults Announced for Arizona

The FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics (Bureaus) have announced the default of Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF)...
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