FCC Denies Waiver Requests of Eligibility Limitations and Deadlines of the Alternative Connect America...

The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has denied a request for waiver of the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) eligibility limitations for support, and...

Form 508 Forecasted Cost & Revenue Data for Broadband Loop Support Due by October...

The FCC is requiring all carriers to file forecasted cost and revenue data for the first half of 2017 (i.e., the period from January...

4Q 2016 USF Contribution Factor Dips to 17.4%

The FCC’s Office of Managing Director has announced that the proposed universal service fund (USF) contribution factor for fourth quarter (Q4) 2016 will be...

Frontier CAF Phase I Change Prompts October 24 Notification Deadline

Frontier Communications Corp. (Frontier) has informed the FCC that it intends to modify its Connect America Fund (CAF) Phase I Round 2 incremental broadband deployment...

Preliminary List of CAF Phase II Eligible Areas Released; Notifications of New Coverage Due...

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has released a preliminary list of census blocks that are deemed initially eligible for the Connect America Fund...

O’Rielly Notes Mobility Fund Phase II Likely for 2016, Suggests Reforms in Advance

After dismissing the need for and likelihood of Mobility Fund Phase II (MF2) , FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly in his latest blog post concedes...

A-CAM Challenge Decisions Released

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has issued an Order concluding its Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) challenge process as to the broadband...

Comment Sought on Upper 6 GHz Band Waiver Request

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau has requested comment on  a Petition filed by General Communication, Inc.’s (GCI) seeking a waiver of the channelization, bandwidth and radio service...

Support Reductions Coming to Rate-of-Return Carriers in September 2016

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has announced that rate-of-return carriers will see reductions to their universal service support starting September 2016 as a result...

5G “Spectrum Frontiers” Proceeding Teed Up for July Vote

In its continued effort to push high-band spectrum for next generation 5G networks, the FCC plans to vote in its July meeting on a...
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