Waiver of Enhanced Transparency Rule Sought by RWA for Small Business Providers

The Rural Wireless Association, Inc. (RWA) has requested a waiver of the enhanced transparency requirements adopted by the FCC in its 2015 Open Internet...

Wireless Alaska Plan Carriers Given the Green Light; Certifications Due December 29

The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) has approved the Alaska Plan performance plans of eight wireless providers in Alaska that elected to receive frozen...

SAS Administrators for 3.5 GHz Band Conditionally Approved

The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) and Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) have conditionally approved seven entities as Spectrum Access System (SAS) Administrators...

A-CAM Budget Shortfall Prompts Revised Offers for Most; Comment Sought on Budget Increase

To address the Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM) budget shortfall, the FCC has issued an Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) that...

Enhanced Transparency Rule Effective January 17, 2017, Unlikely to Be Enforced Against Small Business...

The FCC’s enhanced Transparency Rule, which was adopted in the 2015 Open Internet (Net Neutrality) Order and covers both content and format of disclosures...

Surrogate Cost Methodology Waiver Granted for December 2016 Tariff Filings

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has waived on its own motion the FCC rules that limit the costs that must be shifted from...

More Frontier CAF Phase I Changes Prompt January 30, 2017 Notification Deadline

Frontier Communications Corp. (Frontier) recently notified the FCC that Frontier plans to modify its Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 (CAF Phase I)...

FCC Provides Guidance on Implementation of New Broadband Privacy Rules

The FCC has outlined the effective dates and provided guidance on the implementation of the new broadband privacy rules adopted in the 2016 broadband...

FCC Offers Guidance on CAF Broadband Geo-Location Reporting Portal Ahead of 2017 Rollout

The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has issued a public notice providing guidance to various Connect America Fund (CAF) recipients regarding their upcoming obligations to...

Broadband Privacy Rule Effective Dates Announced

A summary of the FCC’s new broadband privacy rules has been published in the Federal Register. The rules pertaining to the basis and purpose,...
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