Auction 105 Qualified Bidders Get July 17-21 Mock Auction Dates
The FCC’s Office of Economics and Analytics and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureaus) have announced the 271 qualified bidders to participate in the...
Single Bid Default Bars Company from RDOF Participation
The FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has denied a petition for waiver of the rule prohibiting entities that defaulted on all of...
RDOF Eligible Areas Updated
Following a limited challenge process, the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau and the Office of Economics and Analytics in coordination with the Rural...
Charter Petition Granted to Remove NY Areas from RDOF
The FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has granted a petition filed by Charter Communications, Inc. to remove over 2,100 census blocks from...
Some C-band Petitions Released for Comment, Others Denied
A series of Petitions for Reconsideration of the C-band Order have been released and published in the Federal Register, establishing comment cycle...
RDOF Auction 904 Guidance and Tutorials Available in Advance of July 15 Application Deadline
With the Auction 904 auction procedures public notice released and a July 15, 2020 application deadline established, the FCC has started publishing...
RDOF Schedule Set as FCC Adopts Procedures
Despite objections over underlying broadband data, the FCC adopted its procedures public notice for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) Phase I...
Satellite Operators Commit to Accelerated C-band Clearance by 2023
The FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) has announced that it received from all eligible satellite operators (i.e., Claro, Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES, and...
Comment Window on Petition to Stay C-band Order Closes June 1
The FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on a petition from small satellite operators (SSOs) for a stay (or delay) of...
MF-II Coverage Data and Maps Released
The FCC's Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force (Task Force) and other bureau and office staff have released 4G LTE coverage data and maps...